The Herald wants Cubans on the island to pay the ultimate price in order to satisfy the fat, cowardly bunch of Miami Cubans in regaining the country. Read More...
Florida seems to have this water that’s special. I’m not sure if you drink it, bathe in it, step on or in it… but it produces the likes of politicians like DeSantis. Read More...
Progreso Weekly / Semanal lost a much admired collaborator — our caricaturist, Daniel Pontet. On a personal level, I lost a great and dear friend. Read More...
Fabiola Santiago of the Miami Herald calls out the Miami mayor and describes him as a "postalita" -- a poser, vain and preoccupied with the superficial (or personally advantageous). Read More...
Informed of an invitation to Gov. DeSantis to be keynote speaker at a conference where he would be participating, Kurzban drew a red line, and won. Read More...
Miami, a city where if you scare Cubans into believing that communists are taking over, the results are a get out of jail card and reelection, every time. Read More...
The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy declared: "Scott's agenda ... is a predictable return to political distortions that blame the poor for being poor..." Read More...