Braman announces plans to recall Mayor Alvarez
Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Alvarez is on the hot seat. And if he wants to keep it, who knows what he may have to do… In a press conference this morning billionaire Miami businessman – who has had his differences with the mayor and commission in the past (think baseball stadium) – announced he would be launching a petition drive to recall the mayor.
In an interview with The Miami Herald, Braman said, “`Mayor Alvarez was responsible for presenting a budget to the Miami-Dade Commission that reduces by only 1 percent the current operating budget and at the same time calls for a major increase in the real estate millage tax. … This outrageous tax increase has been enacted while citizens are suffering.”
Not mentioned is the fact that the Alvarez budget grants more than $132 million in raises to county employees while asking county taxpayers to tighten their belts and pay more at a time when property taxes are plummeting and unemployment is in double figures in Miami-Dade.
I will be looking out for the recall petitions. I plan to sign it.
Alvaro F. Fernandez