A Miami Herald investigation on Acosta's role as prosecutor in a South Florida child-sex case has raised new questions about the Trump cabinet member. Read More...
Andrew Gillum's gubernatorial campaign may come down to one question: How much does Bernie Sanders' support matter in a Democratic primary? Read More...
Sanders said he is backing Gillum, the mayor of Tallahassee, because of Gillum's stances on health care, the minimum wage, immigration and the environment. Read More...
The Palm Beach Post is out with a devastating series of stories about Florida's role in America's heroin crisis, citing little-seen data and interviews with officials from around the… Read More...
Floridians who have been harmed by their government should not have to hire a lobbyist to make the state pay up. And they certainly should not have to hire the brother of the speaker of… Read More...
The Republican-led Florida Legislature has failed this state. When House Republicans abruptly adjourned three days early, they guaranteed the state's most pressing public policy… Read More...
The ruling upholds the dignity of every human being regardless of sexual orientation, and it protects the American right to privacy by limiting the government's reach into everyday… Read More...
The relaxed crowd of happy hour craft beer drinkers Thursday night seemed totally turned off by politics as usual in Florida — the ideal audience for Adrian Wyllie. Read More...
Sen. Marco Rubio, who helped write the Senate's comprehensive immigration reform bill, has shifted back to his original position that piecemeal legislation is the way forward. Read More...