Making self-employment more flexible is a decision whose logic has been widely discussed within the framework of the 'update' of the Cuban economy. Read More...
The COVID-19 pandemic and the exacerbation of sanctions from the U.S. have precipitated the onset of Cuba's worst economic crisis since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Read More...
Cuba's private and cooperative sectors have suffered from a narrow, arbitrary and inflexible interpretation of their property rights, both legally and in the economic sphere. Read More...
It is not so much the external context, but rather the inconsistency of domestic policies which has wrecked, more than once, the past versions of the "Cuban development strategy." Read More...
With a third of workers outside the public sector, and almost as many without formal employment ties, it is not realistic to think that innovation in Cuba will be generated exclusively… Read More...
Cuba's, and the world's for that matter, economic forecasts have become outdated in a matter of two months. What can be done on the Island? Read More...
Obstacles present in the Cuban economy deal with aspects of the traditional economic structure as well as with the characteristics of the central planning system. Read More...
The serious economic problems that Cuba is going through have deep structural roots whose fundamental causes have not been adequately addressed in the economy’s ‘updating’ process. Read More...