Noticias GOP nightmare of Senate Budget Chair Bernie Sanders about to come true Common Dreams Jan 20, 2021 Bernie Sanders: "We're going to use reconciliation to protect working families, the sick and the poor." Read More...
Global South Bolivia resoundingly chooses socialism in wake of military coup Common Dreams Oct 20, 2020 In the first election since last year's military coup ousted Evo Morales and installed a vicious right-wing regime, the Bolivian people reelected Morales' party in a landslide. Read More...
Noticias Media ignores how privatization of hospitals explains lack of beds, ventilators Common Dreams Apr 1, 2020 The politics of healthcare and Covid-19 provide ample reasons for anger. Read More...
Global South Why does the U.S. want to overthrow the government of Venezuela? Common Dreams Feb 20, 2019 A look at what drives the U.S. to persist in its interventions—diplomatic, economic and military—against the Venezuelan government. Read More...