A tale of two cities and two realities

Max J. Castro                                                                   
Read Spanish Version

was Halloween night, just a few days before the big election, and
surfing the Internet I happened upon the sites of the most important
Spanish-language papers in the nation. I found something really scary
when I compared the headlines in the two dailies. Any commentary
would be superfluous.

Opinión (Los Angeles)

  • Overflow
    early voting all over the nation

  • Hospitals
    on the way to bankruptcy

  • ICE
    identifies prisoners for deportation

  • California
    favors Obama

  • Reduction
    in water supply foreseen

Nuevo Herald (Miami)

  • Obama
    expels from his plane newspapers that support McCain

  • Lula
    says Obama election would be like those of Morales, Chávez,and

  • Chávez
    is “sole candidate” in regional elections and will seek a

  • Spain
    will grant citizenship to grandchildren of civil war exiles