A promise kept

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Cuban American Commission for Family Rights (CACFR) today thanks
President Barack Obama for following through on his promise and
totally lifting travel and remittance restrictions for Cuban
Americans wishing to visit loved ones on the island.

new travel and remittance regulations were announced in May 2004, and
implemented one month later, CACFR was formed to fight against what
the organization termed “cruel and un-American” actions against
the Cuban family. Since June 2004, many trips to Washington, D.C., a
35 minute movie, and numerous actions depicting the cruelty of the
measures were organized and carried out by the Commission, whose
membership is made up of hundreds of Cuban Americans who live in
almost every state of the United States.

been five grueling years,” said Silvia Wilhelm, CACFR executive
director. “We were confident President Obama would come through on
his promise and he did. Now it is our turn to honor him for his
leadership and keeping his word to us … He has ushered in a new
day,” said Ms. Wilhelm.

asked if CACFR would stop to operate now that this goal has been met,
CACFR President Alvaro Fernandez responded with a negative: “No, we
plan to continue operating as an organization,” he said. “Family
unity and combating those who divide us is probably the most
important issue I’ve ever been involved with. We will study the
possibility of carrying forward this message of unity,” added
Fernandez, and finished by asking, “How can one oppose family

Fernandez and Wilhelm emphasized their, and the organization’s,
support for open travel to Cuba for all persons who live in the U.S.
and encourage the US Congress to follow the President’s courageous

American Commission for Family Rights