Poll: Change U.S. policy towards Cuba
Latin America Working Group
The supremacy of Florida in U.S.-Cuba policy and in national politics has been debunked. With the release of a new Atlantic Council national poll the following findings were made:
(1) 56 percent of Americans and over 60 percent of Floridians and Latinos favor changing U.S. policy toward Cuba;
(2) Not only are Floridians more willing than a supportive nation for change, but they strongly favor normalization by eight percentage points more than the country as a whole;
(3) Support for engagement is strongest among Democrats (60 percent), but the majority of Republicans also support change (52 percent);
(4) More than six in ten people want all economic restrictions lifted;
(5) 61 percent nationally and 67 percent of Floridians favor removing all restrictions on travel to Cuba by U.S. citizens; Latinos weigh in at 66 percent;
(6) 77 percent of Americans favor diplomatic coordination between the United States and Cuba on issues of mutual concern; 82 percent of Floridians favor this;
(7) 61 percent of U.S. citizens nationally, and 67 percent of Floridians, do not think Cuba belongs on the U.S. terrorism list.
What are you waiting for, Mr. President? U.S. citizens have spoken. There is a gaping hole of political space for you to act. Call the White House today to leave a message for President Obama that now is the time to change our Cuba policy.
At the unveiling of the poll on February 11 in Washington, DC, two influential senators spoke in favor of ending the embargo. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) said that the voice of the American people needs to be raised, and, “thanks to this poll, they are silent no longer…It is illogical to pursue a policy that has no chance of success.”
Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) echoed the sentiments of Sen. Leahy and reminded the audience that the polls’ findings reflect a bipartisan position. “This poll takes away the FLORIDA reason” to maintain the embargo. Senator Flake also stated that he favors lifting the entire embargo! The U.S. embargo doesn’t isolate Cuba; it isolates us.
Will you take this action now? Call the President (Comment Line: 202-456-1111/Switchboard: 202-456-1414) and raise your voice: Mr. President, tear down this travel ban. Mr. President, Cuba is not a terrorist state. Mr. President, sit down and talk with the Cubans – dialogue is the only way.
The new poll released by the Atlantic Council only adds to the growing momentum to change policy towards Cuba. Last week, Cuban-American sugar baron Alfonso Fanjul came out in favor of engagement with and investment in Cuba; former Florida Senator Bob Graham traveled to Cuba and has said that the embargo has outgrown its usefulness and should end; Florida gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist publicly stated his support for ending the embargo; Florida Cuban-American financier and art promoter, Jorge Perez, announced his support for ending the embargo; North Dakota Senator Heidi Heitkamp traveled to Cuba and, upon her return, said, “I think 55 years of this relationship is probably enough and it’s time to now transition to a different relationship.” It couldn’t be clearer; there is a chorus of voices from all parts of this country calling for a policy of engagement.
So what is the hold-up? Let’s go, Mr. President.