Top Vatican official criticizes U.S. blockade on Cuba

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Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone told a press conference that the
U.S. blockade oppresses the Cuban people. The cardinal lectured
Monday at the University of Havana.

Deisy Francis Mexidor

from Granma

Pope John Paul II visited Cuba ten years ago he said that the
restrictive economic measures imposed on Cuba from abroad were unjust
and ethically unacceptable.

Monday, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Secretary of State for Pope
Benedicto XVI, told the press in Havana: "The Holy See confirms
the precise words of Pope John Paul II" and also adds that the
measure imposed by the White House nearly five decades ago against
the Cuban nation, "is an oppression for the Cuban people,"
and "a violation of their independence."

said the Vatican "encourages the United States to end the

secretary of state and Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque held
what they both termed "cordial, frank and respectful" talks
Monday on relations between the Vatican and Cuba, followed by a joint
press conference.

response to a question, Cardinal Bertone welcomed the election of
Raul Castro as the new Cuban president and said the Vatican would
continue with a vision "of the development of Cuba, of the
development of Cuba’s international relations with the world. As
Juan Paul II urged, for Cuba to open to the world and for the world
to open to Cuba, above all that the world open to Cuba."

also expressed his hope that bilateral ties would continue
progressing, "as has taken place over these 10 years." He
said that in his third visit to Cuba he has seen "much
development, positive and cordial relations, and the will to overcome
difficulties, to confront the problems as a whole."

Roque said that in his meeting with Cardinal Bertone "the main
problems on the international agenda were discussed" and "we
noted basic agreement on issues of maximum interest. We also
conversed about the relations between the Catholic Church in Cuba and
the Cuban state," he added.

foreign minister stressed, "the broad program of Cardinal
Bertone in our country has allowed him to see the enormous effort
made by the Cuban people to confront difficulties, to build a better
and more fair country for all, and in particular, the effort of our
people to overcome the great hardships stemming from the economic,
commercial and financial blockade imposed on us."

Roque announced that Cardinal Bertone is scheduled to meet on Tuesday
afternoon with President Raul Castro.

Cuban official also restated his government’s desire to continue
working "to broaden and deepen the fluid and cordial
communication that already exists between the Catholic Church in Cuba
and our state."

greatest challenge, the greatest risk and the greatest danger faced
by the Cuban people today — including Catholics, Christians, the
followers of all religions that are established in our country —
stem from the threat from abroad, from the threat of external
pressure, the economic blockade, the policy of aggressions against
our country," said Felipe Perez Roque.

Bertone gave a conference at the University of Havana on Monday
afternoon titled: "Culture and the ethical foundations of human
life." The Vatican Secretary of State concludes Tuesday his
official and pastoral visit to the island, which began on February