Then came our food care-package

Despite the many real and productive efforts, and not those marked by triumphalism that some media outlets tend to announce on a daily basis, we are very far from solving the [Cuban] food problem.

The donations, although to a lesser extent, have been proving to be an aspirin-like relief for a migraine because not all of us can assume the martyrdom of queues, much less cover the costs in a foreign currency.

And although it seems ridiculous, if we compare it with previous times, the so-called free food care package (known as the Módulo) must be taken into account and does help.

I don’t know if others consider where the food comes from. Bags that are delivered by ration card. Maybe a gesture from Angola, where so much Cuban blood was spilled on its territory over the years… I always examine the point of origin.

Thus we have that three kilograms of white rice, with the strange brand name of Misifú, have just arrived from sister country Venezuela. From the same place, but in 170-gram cans, two units of El Ancla sardines. The sugar, which is shamefully no longer Cuban, arrived from Brazil, and from the Islamic Republic of Iran, four 500-gram packages of the much-eaten spaghetti.

One day, hopefully close, all this will be for the history books to tell. For now, it is the history we are living.