Speaking of prostitutes: A Twitter takedown of Marco Rubio by a GOP leader
(Written by senior campaign strategist for the McCain presidential campaign, we found this on Twitter and found it relevant to our mission at Progreso Weekly.)
I was just thinking about you. Your father fled Castro’s tyranny with nothing but the clothes on his back. He tended bar in the back of the room and watched you rise to the heights of political power within one generation. Only in America.
Of course, the origin story was an embellishment. Your parents came in ‘56. They weren’t fleeing communism. They were just looking for a better life like the hard working immigrants you have abandoned because you fear Trump and love your position.
We are living in a moment where our institutions are under assault and Trump is attacking our 231-year-old tradition of free and fair elections. At long last we know the type of man Marco Rubio is. He is no friend of liberty. He is an apparatchik at heart. A self-interested enabler and a collaborator with the indecency he once denounced.
Rubio is the type of man who would have stayed in Cuba in 59. He is the type of ambitious young man who would have sensed new opportunities. He is the type of man who would have gladly held Castro’s coat if it helped him rise, just a little.
It’s a hard truth to face. You are a timid and frightened man. You have the spirit of a collaborator. You have turned your back on all that you once claimed to have believed . You have stood silently by as Trump has wrecked the country with his incompetence and malice.
Trump threatens our elections and you are silent. Always you are silent. Watching you debase yourself in defense of Trump speaks for itself. Speaking of prostitutes, this story reminds me of you. Churchill once asked Lady Astor if she would sleep with him for £5million pounds.
Lady Astor replies in the affirmative. Churchill then asked if she would do it for £5. Lady Astor replied “What do you think I am?” Churchill responded, “We’ve already established that, we’re merely haggling over the price.” You and I started out in the same place when it Comes to Trump. Only one of us sold out and you did it for a lot less than £5.”
Stephen Edward Schmidt is an American communications and public affairs strategist who has worked on Republican political campaigns, including those of