Brazil: The murder of justice. A coup within the coup?
Can a Federal Supreme Court (STF) in a country like Brazil function and hold session as if nothing had happened, after at least three generals, one of them the current army chief, publicly warned that if former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was not imprisoned, they would be forced to stage a military coup?
After an assassination attempt against the former president last week in the state of Paraná, General Luiz Gonzaga Schroeder Lessa threateningly told the press that if Lula was not imprisoned the TSF would thereby induce violence in the country. He then threatened with a coup d’etat, while General Paulo Chagas warned: Our objective is to not allow the changing of the law and to keep the head of a criminal organization, sentenced to 12 years in prison, from roaming freely and proclaiming hatred and espousing class struggle.
Hours before the STF, the head of the army, General Eduardo Villas Boas, said that his force shares the desire of all citizens to repudiate impunity. His statement may have appeared more diplomatic, but the threat was the same.
Any magistrate who believes in the law should have refused to be seated in a court that, in the face of such a threat, had lost all authority. If there was justice, this session should have been annulled.
In August 2016, then President Dilma Rousseff was dismissed by a media group under the direction of the O Globo network; a system of justice under the command of judges who have been working for the United States, such as Sérgio Moro, and fulfilling the role they were assigned; and a mostly corrupt parliament that dismissed, without evidence, the president. All resulting in a coup led by the media, the judicial system and parliament.
Although this action actually began in May 2016, when Rousseff was torn away from her position as president, a post temporarily assumed by the then Vice President Michel Temer (who appeared in documents as an informant of the Southern Command), who changed the cabinet, a role that did not belong to him, and taking illegal steps by decree, thereby destroying all previous political achievements meant for the people, and seriously damaging Brazil’s sovereignty, beginning with the delivery of large oil fields (pre-salt) by taking them out of Petrobras’ control.
Petrobras, like all the state companies, was the victim of espionage, like the governments of Lula and Dilma, by the United States, revealed by the documented denunciations of former American intelligence contractor Edward Snowden.
Sérgio Moro, the judge who prosecuted Dilma and Lula, is one of the many judges or court employees who are under Washington’s direction, which in fact now maintains a kind of School of the Americas for police and judicial officials in El Salvador. Moro’s condemnation of Lula is a legal monstrosity, since —as in the case of Dilma— there is no evidence in the case for which he was convicted, which makes him a political hostage, not only of Brazil, but of Washington.
The U.S. scheme to infiltrate judicial structures in Latin America emerged in the 1990s as a working methodology in the counterinsurgency and strategic plans for the region, to be applied at the turn of the century. A new model was then proposed: the establishment of national security democracies, in replacement of the dictatorships of national security, which turned Latin America into a cemetery in the 20th century.
Actually they are a form of covert dictatorships to handle the Low Intensity Conflicts of the XXI Century, to which the dispersion of the Southern Command was added by installation of military bases in strategic territories of Latin America, so as to directly control the region in its best colonial style.
Judge Moro, who studied law at the Maringá Regional University, came into contact with authorities from the United States when he attended a special program for the instruction of lawyers, no less than at the Harvard Law School.
He participated in the 2007 Program for International Visitors for the prevention and fight against money laundering organized by the U.S. State Department. During the course he made visits to different agencies of the United States, among them those of intelligence like the CIA and the FBI, and was instructed in the analysis of financial crimes, and in the crimes committed by organized criminal groups. From that moment on he became a man in the service of Washington.
In an article published in the newspaper, Brasil de Fato, Daniel Giovanaz denounced the case of Judge Moro, who became a hero in the United States, demonstrating that this accusation was not a conspiracy theory, as most accusations are trivialized, because there is sufficient evidence and documents to prove it.
In June 2016, the philosopher and researcher Marilena Chauí was cited by Giovanaz affirming that Moro had been co-opted by the FBI to serve U.S. interests in the carrying out of the Lava Jato operation.
He received training typical of what was done by the FBI during the MacCarthy era, says the Brazilian philosopher, stating that Washington had one objective: to destabilize Brazil to seize its large oil fields, and other of its many resources, and control nothing less than the great Latin American power.
“In a sense, the Lava Jato operation can be referred to as a 21st century prelude to the great symphony of destruction of Brazilian sovereignty,” denounced Chauí, whose hypothesis was supported by a Wikileaks document that was released on October 30, 2009.
“Sergio Moro’s name — including his key relationship with the United States — is cited as a participant in a conference offered in Rio de Janeiro by the Bridges Project (Project Pontes), linked to the State Department, whose objective was to consolidate bilateral treatment (between the United States and Brazil) for law enforcement.”
Moro was the key figure justifying the consulting provided by the U.S. to his country.
Among the conclusions reached by Wikileaks about that conference, those responsible for the Pontes Project maintained the continuous need to ensure the training of federal judges and Brazilian students to face the illicit financing of criminal conduct. The strategy should be long-term, it stated, and coincide with the formation of training task forces that could be established in Sao Paulo, Campo Grande or Curitiba.
Five years after that conference in Rio de Janeiro, the Lava Jato operation was discovered, which established a climate of political instability in the country that was very important to the U.S. plans, which began to control, manage and manipulate operations and the Odebrecht case.
In the last two years, Sérgio Moro’s visits to the United States have become increasingly frequent, and he was presented at conferences as a central leader in strengthening the rule of law in Brazil — that actually disappeared because of the 2016 coup, and later consolidated by this new coup by way of the military who now condemns Lula, who is innocent and has never been proven otherwise.
(Taken from the Mexican newspaper La Jornada)
Translation to English by Progreso Weekly.