Honduras negotiation collapses; Micheletti delegation rejects Arias plan

From The New York Times:

CIUDAD JUÁREZ, Mexico — Negotiations to end the standoff in Honduras collapsed Sunday when the de facto government that ousted President Manuel Zelaya refused to accept his return, even though he had agreed to limits on his power.

A delegation representing the de facto government, led by Roberto Micheletti, rejected a seven-point plan presented by President Óscar Arias of Costa Rica, who is mediating the talks in that country’s capital, San José.

The plan would have restored Mr. Zelaya as president over a unity government, curtailed his powers and moved up the election for his successor by one month, to October. It also included a general amnesty for all political crimes, a tacit recognition that the country could not move forward unless the events surrounding the June 28 coup were pushed aside.

Mr. Zelaya’s delegation accepted all seven points, Mr. Arias said.

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