Cuba in the spotlight

President Barack Obama has done his part

By Lorenzo Cañizares and Rolando Castañeda  

During his campaign, President Barack Obama promised us Cuban-Americans that his administration would revoke the measures imposed by the previous administration upon remittances and travel to Cuba. The fulfillment of that promise is imminent on the eve of the Summit of the Americas, in Trinidad & Tobago, April 17-19.

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Respect for national sovereignty

By Francisco G. Aruca

On Sunday, April 12, I received a document sent by its authors to a number of addressees under the title "President Barack Obama has done his part."

I do not wish to make a full analysis of the document, written by Lorenzo Cañizares and Rolando Castañeda. There are parts I share and others I don’t — or share less. I respect the authors, as I do many of those who received the article and whom I know.

But it is
worthwhile to clarify points that I consider to be too important not
to answer.

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  1. Freedom to travel: the point of no return
  2. President Barack Obama has done his part
  3. Respect for national sovereignty