Diaz-Balart demanded $100K in


demanded $100K in ‘good faith’ money from my client

Alvaro F. Fernandez                                                        
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is nothing wrong with asking for $100,000. Ethical lines become
blurred, though, when those asking happen to be a Florida state
senator and state representative.

am pretty sure it was 1990 or 1991. Our second meeting was the only
time I have broken bread with Lincoln and Mario Diaz-Balart. The
place was the old Centrust Tower in downtown Miami. There was a
little restaurant on one of the floors, halfway up the
building. That’s where we met.

Centrust no longer exists. The building now carries a Bank of America
sign. Lincoln and Mario no longer serve in the Florida legislature.
They are now both members of the U.S. House of Representatives.

me back up a bit. At the time I was a real estate broker. I was
working with two Colombian investors here in Miami. They were father
and son. Their last name was Pinsky. They were looking at properties
to buy in Miami. They also represented a Colombian group who wanted
to build a hotel in Costa Rica.

funny, but you never know where life, or in this case the possibility
of a business, will lead you. I had mentioned the Pinskys to my
father, who was then trying to enjoy his first retirement from
Consolidated Bank. He put me in touch with wealthy investors from
Miami who said they had connections to some people with strong ties
to Costa Rica. They set up a first meeting with whom they termed as
friends. We would be having coffee. Invited to the meeting were the
Pinskys and my father, who were there with me, and the persons with
the connection to Costa Rica, whose identity remained a mystery until
the meeting. We had been told they had "incredible"
sources. One of them, I was informed, was a Florida state senator.

down at our table when we arrived were Lincoln and Mario Diaz-Balart.
Not good, I thought. We proceeded. Lincoln was then a Florida state
senator and Mario a young and recently elected state House member. I
must be fair and tell you that although my insides kept sending
warning signals, the informal and quick meeting went well — it was
actually pleasant. The conversation centered on the Pinkys’ plans.

lunch meeting was then arranged for a couple of days later. It was
like night and day. The two brothers were there again. But this time,
I saw the real Lincoln show up — aggressive, as if almost mad. And
Mario, as would become so usual, simply stared and nodded his head as
his older brother spoke.

was possible in Costa Rica, we were told by Lincoln. Their father,
Rafael Diaz-Balart, would be able to handle any and all requests. He
had, we were told, a very close friendship with the Costa Rican
president. We were led to believe they were almost business partners.

then threw down the gauntlet. He may have even hit the table as he
addressed the Pinskys. Toward the end of the lunch, with neck-veins
popping, red-faced and squeezed-together eyes, he demanded, "For
this thing to happen you have to show good faith. You must deposit
$100,000 in an escrow account under our control," he told my

deal ever went through. It was the last time any of us sat at a table
with the Diaz-Balart brothers. Later on I was to find out that Rafael
Diaz-Balart was under investigation in Spain for money lost by
European investors in some kind of scheme.

for the Pinskys, I became a pretty good friend of the son. But I will
never forget the father’s reaction upon leaving that last meeting
with the Diaz-Balarts. "For $100,000, I will personally fly to
Costa Rica and turn it over to the president myself," he told
me. He was furious.

know it’s a short story, but it’s one I thought I should share with
my readers. In this election season when the word corruption is being
bandied about so easily by political campaigns, I would like us NOT
to divert our attention from those with real culpability.

Martinez, who is challenging Lincoln Diaz-Balart for his
congressional seat, has been smeared as corrupt in ads and
commercials by the Lincoln camp. The fact is that Raul Martinez spent
almost five years under scrutiny by the local and federal authorities
who investigated him and yes, indicted him. By way of the system of
laws the Diaz-Balart brothers claim to defend, Raul was absolved.

would love to see Lincoln Diaz-Balart come under the same microscope.
If he were to, I would venture to say he would not fare as well as
Raul. And if they knew all the facts, I am sure his constituents
would decide that it’s time for a change in Congressional District