Swift-boating a 12-year-old

By Bill Press                                                                            Read Spanish Version  

at it again. Led by Rush Limbaugh, the Republican Party Smear Machine
is back in high gear.

Rush smeared all members of the military who don’t support the war in
Iraq by calling them "phony soldiers." Next he smeared Iraq
veteran Brian McGough by comparing him to a "suicide bomber."
His latest target: 12-year old Baltimore seventh grader Graeme Frost.

Sept. 29, young Frost gave the Democratic radio address — reading a
script written for him by Democratic staffers — in anticipation of
President Bush’s veto of the bipartisan SCHIP legislation. Frost
related how he and his sister Gemma suffered severe brain injuries in
a 2004 auto accident. "My parents work hard and always make sure
my sister and I have everything we need, but the hospital bills were
huge," said Graeme. "We got the help we needed because we
had health insurance for us through the CHIP program." He added:
"But there are millions of kids out there who don’t have CHIP,
and they wouldn’t get the care that my sister and I did if they got

for that statement, Graeme and his parents have been mercilessly
attacked. If you believe the right-wing media, they can easily afford
health care, but just choose not to buy it. They’re rich. Both kids
go to private school. They live in a mansion, where they even have
granite countertops in the kitchen! Limbaugh called the kid a liar.
And blogger Michelle Malkin, who has led the attacks on the Frost
family, insists that 12-year olds are fair game: "If you don’t
want questions, don’t foist these children onto the public stage."

low can you get? Now for the facts. Yes, Graeme and Gemma both go to
private schools, and both on scholarships. The Frosts live in the
modest Butcher Hills neighborhood of Baltimore in a home for which
they paid $55,000 in 1990. It’s worth $260,000 today. Mr. Frost is a
self-employed woodworker. His wife works for a medical publishing
company. Their combined income is about $45,000. They applied to
three different companies for private insurance, but were turned down
because of "pre-existing conditions." And, by the way,
their countertops are made of concrete, not granite. We’re not
talking Rockefellers here.

is, of course, ironic that Republicans are gung ho for tax breaks for
Americans making over $1 million a year, yet oppose health care for
those making only $45,000. Since when did the middle class become the

the real question is not whether the Frosts have enough money left
over for health care after paying the mortgage and feeding and
clothing their kids. The real question is: Why is it that
conservatives can’t let anybody disagree with George Bush without
trying to destroy them personally? Are they really that insecure? Or
are they just naturally so mean?

among political candidates, we’ve become all too familiar with the
politics of personal destruction. But shouldn’t there be some limits?
Starting with 12-year olds?

don’t tell me there’s no difference between the two parties. This is
decidedly NOT a case where both parties are the same. Democrats
aren’t perfect, but there is no way any Democrat would ever attack a
seventh grader and his family. No way. Democrats just wouldn’t do it.
They’re better than that.

the debate over stem cell research, for example. Several times, in
order to make the case for vetoing expanded stem cell research,
George Bush surrounded himself with families and their "snow
flake" babies. But not one of those families or their kids had
to withstand the political assault from Democrats that Baltimore’s
Frost family now has to withstand from Republicans.

know how desperate Republicans are. It’s not easy to defend the
denial of health care to millions of American children. Still, common
decency should prevail. And common decency draws the line at smearing

Republicans have proven they will stop at nothing to defend George W.
Bush. Let’s see: soldiers in uniform, an Iraq vet and a 12-year old
kid. Watch out, Grandma. They’re coming after you next!

Press is host of a nationally syndicated radio show and author of a
new book,
the Republicans Stole Religion."

His email address is: bill@billpress.com. His Web site is:

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