Current Council of State. Term 2008-2013.

Current Council of State

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Raúl Castro Ruz

President of the Council of Ministers. Commander-in-Chief of the Revolutionary Armed Forces.
Second Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (CPC).

First Vice President of the Council of State and the Council of Ministers

José Ramón Machado Ventura

Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC and Organizational Secretary of the CPC. Fought in the Frank País Second Eastern Front under Raúl Castro. Professional physician.

Vice President

Juan Almeida Bosque

Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC. President of the Association of Combatants of the Cuban Revolution.

Vice President

Abelardo Colomé Ibarra

Minister of the Interior. Fought in the Frank País Second Eastern Front under Raúl Castro.

Vice President

Julio Casas Regueiro

Army Corps General. Minister of the Revolutionary Armed Forces. Fought in the Frank País Second Eastern Front under Raúl Castro.

Vice President

Esteban Lazo Hernández

Member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPC.

Vice President

Carlos Lage Dávila

Member of the Political Bureau. Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Council of Ministers. Professional physician.


José M. Miyar Barrueco

Member of the Central Committee of the CPC. Professional physician.


Other members of the Council of State


José R. Balaguer Cabrera

Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC. Minister of Public Health. Fought in the Frank País Second Eastern Front under Raúl Castro.


Pedro Sáez Montejo

Member of the Political Front of the CPC. First Secretary of the Provincial Committee of the CPC in City of Habana.


Roberto Fernández Retamar

President of Casa de las Américas.


Felipe Pérez Roque

Minister of Foreign Relations. Member of the Central Committee of the CPC.


Leopoldo Cintra Frías

Chief of the Western Army. Hero of the Republic of Cuba. Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC. Fought in the José Martí Column One, under Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro.


Orlando Lugo Fonte

Member of the Central Committee of the CPC. President of the National Association of Small Farmers (ANAP)


Ramiro Valdés Menéndez

Minister of Computer Sciences and Communications. Moncada Barracks raider. Granma expeditionist. Commander of the Revolution. Hero of the Republic of Cuba.


Tania León Silveira

President of the Municipal Assembly of the People’s Power in Colón, Matanzas. Agrochemical and Agrological Engineer; graduated in the Soviet Union.


Álvaro López Miera

Vice Minister of the MINFAR; Chief of General Staff. Army Corps General. Fought in the Frank País Second Eastern Front under Raúl Castro. Hero of the Republic of Cuba.


Francisco Soberón Valdés

Minister President of the Central Bank of Cuba. Social Sciences graduate. Sociales. Post-graduate degree in Multiuse Computer Systems.


Julio Martínez Ramírez

First Secretary of the National Committee of the Union of Communist Youths.


Inés María Chapman Waugh

Hydraulics engineer. Provincial delegate to the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources.


Iris Betancourt Téllez

Veterinarian. Territorial delegate to the Ministry of Sciences, Technology and the Environment in the province of Granma.


Guillermo García Frías

Commander of the Revolution. Hero of the Republic of Cuba. Director of the National Enterprise for the Protection of Flora and Fauna. Member of the Central Committee of the CPC.


Luis Saturnino Herrera Martínez

Director General of the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology.


María Yolanda Ferrer Gómez

Secretary General of the Federation of Cuban Women. Graduated in Political Sciences.


Regla Dayamí Armenteros Mesa

Member of the Central Committee of the CPC. Specializes in Economic Affairs.


Dignora Montano Perdomo

Vice Dean of the University Extension of the Higher Polytechnical Institute "Capitán Silverio Blanco Núñez". Has a Master’s degree in Educational Sciences.


Salvador Antonio Valdés Mesa

Secretary general of the National CTC. Member of the Central Committee of the CPC.


María del Carmen Concepción González

Member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the CPC. Graduate in History and Social Sciences.


Carlos Valenciaga Díaz

Chief of staff for Fidel Castro Ruz. Graduate in Education (Marxism-Leninism) and History. Member of the Central Committee of the CPC.


Juan José Rabilero Fonseca

National Coordinator for the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution. A physician.


Surina Acosta Brook

Secretary general of the Federation of Cuban Women in Santiago de Cuba. Graduate in Cattle Engineering at the Superior Institute of Animal Sciences, Bayamo.




Previous Council of State. Term 2003-2008.



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Fidel Castro Ruz

President of the Council of Ministers. Commander-in-Chief of the Revolutionary Armed Forces. First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPC.
Delegated his duties because of illness in August 2006

First Vice President

Raúl Castro Ruz

Minister of the Revolutionary Armed Forces
Second Secretary of the Central Comité of the CPC
Acting President since August 2006

Vice President

Juan Almeida Bosque

Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC. President of the Association of Combatants of the Cuban Revolution.

Vice President

Abelardo Colomé Ibarra

Minister of the Interior

Vice President

Carlos Lage Dávila

Executive Secretary of the Council of Ministers

Vice President

Esteban Lazo Hernández

Member of the Political Bureau and the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the CPC

Vice President

José R. Machado Ventura

Member of the Political Bureau and the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the CPC.


José M. Miyar Barrueco



Other Members of the Council of State (2003-2008)


Nidia Diana Martínez Piti

Former director, William Soler Pediatric Hospital


María T. Ferrer Madrazo

Vice Dean, Salvador Allende Pedagogical School


Marta Hernández Romero

Director of the Provincial Directorate of Education in City of Habana.


José R. Balaguer Cabrera

Minister of Public Health


Julio Casas Regueiro

First Vice Minister of the Revolutionary Armed Forces


Pedro Sáez Montejo

First Secretary of the Provincial Committee of the CPC, City of Habana.


Otto Rivero Torres

Vice President of the Council of Ministers


Pedro Miret Prieto

Vice President of the Council of Ministers


Felipe Pérez Roque

Minister of Foreign Relations


Roberto I. González Planas (revoked)

Minister of Computer Sciences and Communications. Replaced.


Marcos Portal León (revoked)

Minister of Basic Industries. Replaced.


Francisco Soberón Valdés

Minister President of the Central Bank of Cuba.


Carlos Valenciaga Díaz

Presidential chief of staff


Armando Hart Dávalos

Director of the Office of Martí Programs


Roberto Fernández Retamar

President of the Casa de las Américas


Ramiro Valdés Menéndez

Minister of Computer Sciences and Communications


Julio Cristhian Jiménez Molina

President of the National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation


Rosa Elena Simeón Negrín (deceased)

Former Minister of Sciences, Technology and the Environment.


Luis S. Herrera Martínez

Director General of the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology


Iris Betancourt Téllez

Territorial delegate to the Ministry of Sciences, Technology and the Environment from the province of Granma.


Pedro Ross Leal

Ambassador to the People’s Republic of Angola


Vilma Espín Guillois (deceased)

Former President of the Federation of Cuban Women


Orlando Lugo Fonte

President of the National Association of Small Farmers