Al Gore: Will he run?

Al’s Loupe

By Alvaro F. Fernandez

I have yet to meet a person, democrat or republican, who is not anxious to get to 2008 and elect a new president for the United States. George W. Bush’s term as president leads one to concede: Who can blame them…

Folks are so ready they’ve started campaigning way ahead of time: Check out the debates, the jockeying for position and the fundraising that is already taking place by the candidates who have declared their intention to run next year. And we’re still almost a year and a half away from the election, although with primaries moving up earlier and earlier, soon we’ll be running them in the fall.

Al’s Loupe

By Alvaro F. Fernandez                                                              Read Spanish Version

I have yet to meet a person, democrat or republican, who is not anxious to get to 2008 and elect a new president for the United States. George W. Bush’s term as president leads one to concede: Who can blame them…

Folks are so ready they’ve started campaigning way ahead of time: Check out the debates, the jockeying for position and the fundraising that is already taking place by the candidates who have declared their intention to run next year. And we’re still almost a year and a half away from the election, although with primaries moving up earlier and earlier, soon we’ll be running them in the fall.

At this point there are attractive candidates with plenty of possibilities. Barack Obama is no doubt a star, but how far can he go? Hillary Clinton can raise money and has husband and former president Bill whispering political advice in her ear, but can Bill transfer his charisma to a publicly stiffer Hillary? John Edwards seems to know what’s wrong with America, but is anybody really listening? There are the others, , at this point, with a possibility to spark a flame that will carry them to the White House starting in January 2009.

Sadly, in this country of ours, if you ain’t got the cash, you’re not considered a “serious” candidate. If the media was truly serious about this, they’d be asking those who are getting it where all the cash is coming from. And maybe then they’d get behind the serious candidates with the least amount of dough. In my mind, they’re the ones who are least beholden to the special interests who have a stranglehold on Washington these days. Maybe then candidates like a Dennis Kucinich and a Ron Paul would be flying higher on the radar than they are. Although I must admit, Rep. Paul has so far captured the imagination of many people in this country who are tired of politics as usual.

In spite of all of this I assure you that every running democrat and republican is looking back over his or her shoulder — no matter how strong their candidacy. The fact is that rumors are still circulating that Al Gore will end up jumping into the fray.

I’ve already seen the bumper stickers: “Re-Elect Al Gore President.”

Whether he will or will not, Gore remains a formidable candidate. And maybe, just maybe, he is the right person for this country at this time.

First, there would be justice in a Gore victory. Or does anyone still doubt that he did win by quite a few votes in Florida in 2000? Still wondering? Go find one of the almost 100,000 Black voters that were purged from the Florida voting rolls by then Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris. When you do find them, ask them if they had planned to vote for Bush.

Since the catastrophe of 2000, Gore has become the most sought after representative against global warming around the world. He has also put some distance between himself and Washington, DC. And when you hear him speak, you listen to a man who seems to have found inner peace and an honest voice.

Will he run?

I’ve been told he will make his announcement in September — less than two months from now.

But the question that will surely crop up is the one about money. Can he catch up in the fundraising? Obama and Clinton sure have that under control. So you see, it may end up being about the money.

My feeling, though, is that Gore can raise the money. For starters, environmentalists will surely turn to him and open up their wallets. And there can be plenty of money from these folks.

In the end, this may not be a race about money and who has the largest amounts of it. At least I hope so. If a Gore jumps in it might be a wake up call for many Americans to take back their country. Take it back the same way Gore will have to wrest it, not from those who stole the presidency from him, but from some now running who have bought into the Washington way of life.

Only time will tell, I guess. Stay tuned…