Obama out to build a new America

Bill Press                                                                         
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unlikely that anyone stood up during the Renaissance and declared:
"We’re living in what will always be remembered as mankind’s
golden age." Nor that any soldier on the front lines of World
War II bragged, at the time, about being part of "the greatest

no one [none of us] grasps, in real time, the contribution of the age
they [we] are living in. So we can be excused for not fully
appreciating the significance of this time and place, or the
ambitious agenda put forth by President Barack Obama in his address
to a joint session of Congress. But the more his plan unfolds, and
the more we understand it, the more we will realize its historic

are definitely experiencing a serious economic crisis, Obama admits.
But in that crisis, he also sees incredible opportunity, provided we
respond to hardship the way Americans always have. "History
reminds us," the president told Congress, "that at every
moment of economic upheaval and transformation, this nation has
responded with bold action and big ideas."

the middle of the Civil War, for example, Americans built the
transcontinental railroad. Out of the turmoil of the Industrial
Revolution came a network of public high schools. In the aftermath of
World War II, Congress established GI Bill, bringing college
education within the reach of every American family. Later challenges
spurred the Interstate Highway System and our success in putting a
man on the moon.

are all examples of bold ideas translated into bold action. And in
our own time of crisis, Obama proposes no less. Looked at in its
entirety, his economic recovery plan amounts to a radical,
top-to-bottom restructuring of our entire economy.

about it. As part and parcel of fixing the economy, he will start by
changing the way we produce and use energy in this country: spending
$15 billion a year to develop wind and solar power, biofuels, clean
coal technology, and research into fuel-efficient automobiles. At the
same time, he will modernize electrical transmission with a new
"smart grid," in order to deliver electricity more cleanly
and efficiently, and institute a "market cap" on carbon
emissions to lower U.S. production of greenhouse gases. Others talked
about energy independence. Obama will take us there.

up: As another key component of economic recovery, President Obama
will tackle health care. By signing the children’s health, or SCHIP,
legislation and dedicating $17 billion to health-information
technology, he’s already done more to improve our health care system
than George W. Bush did in eight years. But Obama didn’t stop there.
In his 2010 budget, he sets aside another $634 billion for the day
Congress finally passes health-care reform legislation. Others talked
about universal coverage. Obama will take us there.

the 21st century, a healthy economy also depends on an educated
populace. This is why, in addition to $115 billion already allocated
in the stimulus package for new school construction and expansion of
early childhood education, college tuition tax credits and Pell
grants for college, Obama also proposes offering college education in
return for a period of national service. Again, others have talked
about providing every American child with a "complete and
competitive education." Obama will take us there.

those revolutionary changes in energy, health care and education are
matched by equally bold ventures in other areas.

requiring American automakers to retool in order to produce
non-fossil fuel cars. Trade: eliminating tax breaks for corporations
that ship jobs overseas. Finance: assuming partial ownership of banks
in return for full transparency and elimination of executive perks.
Government accounting: reporting the real size of the federal budget
and deficit, without hiding the cost of the wars in Iraq and

point is, agree or disagree with his policies, you can’t deny the
fact that President Obama is not just tinkering around the edges of
reform. He has embarked on the biggest remaking and reshaping of the
American economy since FDR brought us back from the Great Depression.

Obama understands that today’s economic crisis is also the
opportunity to deliver the structural changes we need, not just to
survive these difficult times, but to grow out of them stronger than

a contrast. Republicans are still talking about more tax cuts. Obama
is talking about rebuilding America.

with which, all Republicans can do is just say no. Pathetic.

America. It’s about time.

Press is host of a nationally syndicated radio show and author of a
new book,
Wreck: The End of the Conservative Revolution (and Not a Moment Too
can hear "The Bill Press Show" at his Web site:
billpressshow.com. His email address is:

2009 Tribune Media Services, Inc.