Undocumented youth dreams closer to a reality? Obama’s remarks on the Dream Act.

“Now, the Senate is going to have a chance to do the right thing over the next few weeks when Senator Reid brings the DREAM Act to the floor. (Applause.) Keep in mind, in the past, this was a bill that was supported by a majority of Democrats and Republicans. There’s no reason why it shouldn’t receive that same kind of bipartisan support today. I’ve been a supporter since I was in the Senate, and I will do whatever it takes to support the Congressional Hispanic Caucus’ efforts to pass this bill so that I can sign it into law on behalf of students seeking a college education and those who wish to serve in our country’s uniform. It’s the right thing to do. We should get it done.”

-President Obama

Read the full speech that President Obama made at last night’s Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute’s Gala here: For Immediate Release September 15, 2010

I will be monitoring S. 729, also known as the Dream Act these next couple weeks as Senator Reid brings the DREAM Act to the floor. This blog will be followed with more information on  how the grassroots(YOU) can make this Dream a Reality for undocumented youth.

Along with an inspiring story I documented some weeks ago of  Jose Hernandez, a U.S. astronaut and also the son of Mexican farmer workers, who truly is an example of the Dream and how he achieved it through education.