Benefit Screening: ‘Will the Real Terrorist Please Stand Up?’, this Wednesday in D.C.

Benefit Screening: ‘Will the Real Terrorist Please Stand Up?’


This will be a preview screening of the almost finished work in progress, Will The Real Terrorist Please Stand Up, a new documentary by IPS Fellow and award winning filmmaker, (and also Progreso Weekly’s columnist), Saul Landau and Jack Willis. A reception with Saul Landau will precede the screening, a film about the terrorism no one wants to talk about and the case of five men imprisoned in the U.S. for trying to stop it.

September 22, 2010
Letelier Theater, 3251 Prospect St NW
Washington, DC, USA

Poster condemning PosadaFor half a century, small groups of Cuban exiles have waged a terrorist campaign against Cuba’s revolutionary government, with active or passive support from the U.S. government. In 1976, one of these exile groups conspired with agents of Chile’s secret police under General Augusto Pinochet to assassinate former Chilean Chancellor Orlando Letelier in Washington DC. In that car bombing a young American woman, Ronni Moffitt, also died.

In the 1990s, Florida-base exiles began bombing tourist sites, the backbone of Cuba’s economy. An Italian tourist died in one of the bomb attacks. Since the FBI did not arrest the bombers in Miami, Havana sent agents there to infiltrate and report on the violent groups. Instead of stopping the perpetrators of terrorism, the FBI arrested five Cuban spies. They were tried in Miami and given draconian sentences despite a dramatic absence of evidence against them.

As part of this year’s events, in memory of Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt, you are invited to a special fundraiser preview screening of the almost finished work in progress, Will The Real Terrorist Please Stand Up, a new documentary by IPS Fellow and award-winning filmmaker Saul Landau, and Jack Willis.

This event will take place at the Letelier Theater in Georgetown. A reception with Saul will precede the screening, with refreshments provided by Busboys & Poets.

Reception: 7:00 – 7:30 PM

Screening: 7:35 – 9:30 PM

The film features rare interviews with four of the leading “terrorists” or “freedom fighters” — Luis Posada CarrilesOrlando BoschJose Basulto and Antonio Veciana — as well as a recorded interview with Gerardo Hernandez, the leader of the Cuban 5Fabian Escalante, former head of Cuban Counterintelligence and Otto Rene, one of the men who bombed Cuban hotels (from his Havana jail cell).

$20 Admission.  Register here for this event.