20 year old quits Crist campaign over Cuba

Story I just received from the Havana Note blog. Really… it shows how low some of these idiots are willing to stoop. As for the staffer, he’ll do well in Washington some day… probably kissing someone’s ass.

Alvaro F. Fernandez

Add this micro-story about a junior campaign staffer in Crist’s campaign to the “Don’t know whether to laugh or cry” pile. At the tender age of 20, a Crist campaign staffer – who prior to working for Governor Charlie Crist worked for Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart – won himself about 2 seconds of fame with this resignation statement: “I appreciate the opportunity that I have had to represent the [Governor Crist] in South Florida,” Miles said in a statement. “However his decision to accept campaign contributions from business associates of the Castro regime has prompted my resignation. There are few issues I consider sacred, and that is certainly one of them.” I’m not sure what I find most disturbing by his resignation: the fact that he considers few issues to be sacred, or the ease with which he throws McCarthy-style bombs at fellow Floridians – who, by the way, make it easier for hundreds of thousands of Cuban Americans that might just vote for Mr. Crist this November to visit their families in Cuba. Miles’ statement reads like it could have been dictated by Diaz-Balart himself. You know the hard-liners are really losing ground in Florida when they have to resort to recruiting a junior campaign staffer to throw a conniption over Cuba. To be sure, Governor Crist is earning a reputation for unabashed flip-flopping. But, in politics, if you’re going to switch sides, you generally try to bet on the winning horse. This newly-released poll by the Florida Chamber of Commerce shows that at this still-early stage of the race, the horse to bet on could be Charlie Crist.