David Rivera caught in a lie – again!

David Rivera was caught in a lie, again! The guy has no shame, absolutely none. He continues to lie then calls his opponent Joe Garcia the liar and changes the conversation when the question of his lie comes up.

This time it was the Naples News who caught him red-handed. It turns out that David, while on a Cuban radio station in Miami, called Joe Garcia an esbirro, the Spanish word for henchman. Again let me emphasize that this was done on Spanish language radio far away from the English-speaking crowd. The thing is… David was not aware his interview was being taped.

Then the Naples News reports that this past Thursday “Rivera denied — twice — making the remark or ever using such a word (esbirro) in his life. When he was informed the Daily News had a copy of the radio interview, he redirected his attack by labeling Garcia’s supporters as agents of Castro’s regime.”

But as the saying goes, the proof is in the pudding and you can see and hear for yourselves. Here are two tapings of David Rivera taken from the Naples News website.

Alvaro F. Fernandez


Now here’s David lying about it: