Today on Context Florida: OCS, market-ready graduates, black men and impossible dreams

Today on Context Florida:

The U.S. is in the middle of a devastating epidemic of “Obsessive CEO Syndrome” (OCS), says Stephen Goldstein. OCS is a debilitating condition where victims are deluded into thinking that those at the top of organization charts have the best minds, answers to all of our problems, and, should they choose to abandon their boardrooms, make the best public servants and elected officials. In other words, OCS is delirium bordering on insanity.

Todd Dagenais, head volleyball coach at the University of Central Florida, notes that simply completing the necessary coursework and earning a high grade point average isn’t enough to make students productive members of today’s fast-paced and complex global economy. But the UCF Student-Athlete Leadership Institute is working to make graduating athletes “market-ready.”

Historically, Florida has been a hellish place to live for black men, but Chris Timmons says the state may be turning a corner. Last week, a jury in Jacksonville concluded that it is not OK to kill a black male merely because he is playing his music loud with a bunch of his boys. Several weeks before, the Ocala City Council repealed an ordinance that banned citizens from wearing sagging pants and fining them if they refused to comply.

Marc Yacht posits an impossible dream: bipartisanship, wise reforms and corporate restraint. In this dream, Republicans and Democrats shook hands and cheered when both houses unanimously agreed that the flag is red, white and blue. Tension filled the air as a nervous Congress heard the second proposal, which read, “Grant is buried in Grant’s tomb!” CEOs pledged they would not accept income greater than $500,000 per year and would refuse stock options and expensive mansions. The DOW hit record highs. Consumer confidence spiked. International markets flew to new heights. Poverty ended.

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(From the: Saint Peters Blog)