What does Ted Cruz stand for? The answer is simple – only himself

By Allen Clifton

There are a lot of Republican politicians I don’t really care for, but few reach the level of absolute disdain inside of me that Texas Senator Ted Cruz does every time I see his name mentioned.

Ted Cruz seems to be someone who would sell his soul if it means he could be President.
Ted Cruz seems to be someone who would sell his soul if it means he could be President.

While I might not support — or like — many conservative public servants, I can at least find some level of “professional respect” for those who stand up for their beliefs.

But Ted Cruz is a snake — pure and simple.  He’ll slither and coil himself around any idea or talking point he can if he thinks it will benefit his political career.

While most politicians are trained to say and do whatever it is they think might get them the most votes, Ted Cruz seems to be someone who would sell his soul for one — especially if it means he could be President.

Everything he’s done since being elected Senator seems to be a catalyst for a future presidential campaign ad.  A complete sideshow of pandering to his right-wing base in hopes of landing the GOP nomination in 2016.

But he’s not the only one who’s behaved in such a manner — Rand Paul is no different.  The only real difference I see between the two, as it relates to their public behavior, is that Rand Paul still tries to pander to his dad’s cult-like followers.  He seems obligated to live up to his dad’s “legacy” so he tries to remain somewhat close to those lines, though he’s strayed from them.

Ted Cruz doesn’t have to do that.  He just focuses on pandering to the far right-wing elements of the Republican party.  And by doing so, he’s shown time and time again that he just doesn’t “get it.”

Sure, Cruz makes for a fantastic poster boy for the GOP.  Well, the tea party wing, at least.  He knows all the right-wing talking points, he panders to their Obama fear mongering and he quickly took up with the political movement that “Obamacare” will be the end of all human civilization.

He’s even gone as far as to say that we should “shut the government down” until “Obamacare is defunded.”

Which just sounds fantastic — if you’re a Republican voter who doesn’t have a clue how our government works.  And judging by their behavior during the debt ceiling debacle of 2011, most of them don’t.

I mean let’s face it, this is the party of “Drill baby drill!” — yet they’re apparently completely unaware of how oil is traded on the global market.  Commodities futures pricing is apparently “liberally biased” as well.  Isn’t that the “go to line” for Republicans whenever reality or facts don’t support what they want to be real, but isn’t?

This is also the party of “birthers” which is doubly ironic considering Ted Cruz’s father isn’t a naturally born American (in fact, he was an illegal alien) and Cruz himself wasn’t born in the United States (he was born in Canada).

Oh, but it’s okay now — Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship.

But doesn’t that singular move show just how shallow and pathetic Ted Cruz really is?  Is being an “American” that cheap of a term to him?  Does he have no loyalty or pride about his past?

For a man of his age to suddenly renounce his natural-born citizenship just displays what a callous and unscrupulous human being he really is.  He should be proud of where he came from, not disowning it.  And if he was so ashamed, why did he wait until now to renounce his citizenship?  Sounds to me like his pollsters probably told him being a Canadian citizen would be used against him during the GOP primaries, and would impact his chances of winning the nomination.

However, it’s just extremely ironic that Ted Cruz is a potential favorite for the Republican presidential nomination coming off the years of the “birthers” attacking President Obama.  Ted Cruz was born in Canada!  A fact that is indisputable.

Heck, Obama had to provide birth announcements and 2 forms of his birth certificate and still many birthers claim he’s not a “real American.”

Yet I bet many of these hypocrites would vote for Cruz if he were to win the Republican nomination.

Cruz strikes me of a man who specifically ran for Senate to use his seat in Congress to run for President.

A man who wants to shutdown the government to “defund Obamacare” — something anyone who knows anything about government will tell you makes absolutely no sense.  Who was born to an immigrant and himself immigrated to the United States as a child — yet opposes sensible immigration reform.

This man is the cartoon character tea party Republicans would create if Fox News developed an animated series.

He stands on stage and gives speeches that ignite the crowd.  He tells them what they want to hear and gets them to stand in unison with thunderous ovations.  He can travel around the country and have right-wing voters eating up his every word.

The problem is — most of it doesn’t make any damn sense.

Sure, telling a group of right-wing Republicans, “I would rather shutdown our government than see Obamacare ruin our nation” might get a huge reaction, but what good does that do when the reaction is based on ignorance and your statement has no substance?

Yes, he might gain some popularity and feed his own ego with the conservative praise he’s sure to receive as a tea party darling.  Yes, he might think he has it “all figured out” as it relates to 2016 and his quest to become the next President of the United States.

But he might want to rethink his strategy, because we’ve seen this story before.

You know, a tea party darling who uses catchy phrases, panders to the far right radicals and bases their entire career off conservative talking points instead of actual facts.

Trust me, you know Sarah Palin. How’d that work out for her political career?

(From Forward Progressives)