Raul Castro: rejuvenation and term limits

By Manuel Alberto Ramy

When referencing what is known as cadre politics, President Raul Castro, who continues to speak during the Communist Party Congress, has touched on, among other things, two important issues: the rejuvenation of cadres, political as well as administrative and of the state, without excluding the Council of State president and its ministers; as well as the First Secretary of Cuba’s Communist Party (PCC).

Raul Castro has suggested that the responsibilities of the First Secretary of the PCC and the president of the government and state should be limited to two five-year terms. He insisted that this cadre politics should be started as soon as the congress is finished.

This proposal will be debated during the Congress that was started today.

Evidently Castro, who will most likely officially be elected First Secretary, takes the first step towards the inevitable generational changing of the guard.