Former fan says Marco Rubio charged home remodeling on GOP credit card
By Adam C. Smith
From the St. Petersburg Times
Marco Rubio had hoped that months ago he’d put behind him the controversy over questionable personal spending on his Republican Party credit card.
But now a Republican political consultant and former vocal Rubio supporter says Rubio told him he had charged thousands of dollars in home remodeling expenses on his state GOP American Express card.
“I raised the issue very casually, ‘Are there any issues you need to worry about that could cause you a problem?’ The biggest concern of his was this charge of $4,000 to $5,000 for a kitchen flooring renovation in his house that he said somehow wound up on his (party) credit card,” said Chris Ingram of Tampa, adding that Rubio assured him he had paid for that charge.
The Rubio campaign dismissed Ingram as a petty campaign operative who wanted to get a job with Rubio. However, a spokesman declined to say whether Ingram’s recollection was inaccurate.