Cuba’s popularity grows after Obama moves to normalize relations

Many political issues have taken a turn for the partisan after President Obama weighed in on them. But Obama’s decision to move toward normalizing relations with Cuba doesn’t seem to have halted its momentum one bit.

A new Gallup poll shows Americans who have long seen Cuba in an unfavorable light now view it about like they view their politicians: equal parts good and bad. And while it has been getting more popular for years, the trend is accelerating.

While 59 percent of Americans had an unfavorable opinion of Cuba in 2013, today that number has dropped to 48 percent. Another 46 percent view Cuba favorably — up eight points since last year.


Momentum for ending the trade embargo also hasn’t ceased. It’s up to 59 percent in the new poll. And the same number support re-establishing relations and opening up travel to the former Communist foe.

(From: The Washington Post)