Texas has done it again. The Lone Star state has executed another Mexican national in defiance of of a ruling by the World Court, thumbing its nose at binding U.S. international treaty… Read More...
Obama is losing popularity now into his sixth year in office with the average job approval rate down in the 40s. But what abominable atrocities has he committed against his… Read More...
President Obama can deliver a speech. He did not disappoint during his sixth State of the Union address. Pundits called it a center-left speech using center-right language. Read More...
When Pete Seeger died Monday at the age of 94, remembrances of him, unsurprisingly, focused less on his music than on his social activism. And It's not that Seeger did a lot of good… Read More...
The U.S. has the worst level of economic inequality since the Great Depression, whereby 400 families earn the same as 1/2 of persons with the lowest income. Read More...
We’ve seen the signs, but Washington does not seem to go beyond public statements, including the appeal made by President Obama himself to be creative and update the policy toward Cuba.… Read More...
Ted Piccone of the Brookings Institute urges President Obama to double down on his 2009 decision easing the flow of people, remittances and exchanges from the U.S. to Cuba. Read More...
Among Latinos, no group may have achieved the American dream as fully as Cuban-Americans. But a new poll suggests that, for many Cuban-Americans, the dream is becoming elusive. Read More...
You've probably heard a lot about "the Latino voter" or the way companies are trying to win over "the Latino consumer." But let's say it one more time, anyway: Latinos are not… Read More...