Agreements from the Communist Party Conference still unfulfilled
Agreements from the Communist Party Conference still unfulfilled
Saturday, 02 June 2012
By Roberto G. Peralo
Taken from La Joven Cuba (LJC)
A young Cuban´s worries about the unfulfilled agreements derived from the last Communist Party Conference.
In the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) Conference the political fundaments that will guide the Cuban people for the next five years. In my opinion, the fulfillment of those objectives was pushing our society towards a more civic and democratic moment. More encouraging still were president Raúl Castro´s words: “So as to achieve success in this strategic question and in the others, it is necessary that we concentrate immediately in the fulfillment of agreements.”
But four months after that meeting the facts prove that all the flamboyant display of participatory democracy was nothing but pure formalism. In objective No. 70 it is said that:” To achieve that the mass media inform in a timely, objective, systematic and transparent way about the Party´s policy, the development of the Revolution´s work, the problems, difficulties, insufficiencies and adversities that we must face; to suppress informative voids and forms of secrecy and taking into account the needs and interests of the population.”
More than one year after the announcement of the set into functioning of the optic fiber cable, which cost 70 million dollars to the Cuban people and was supposed to augment 3000 times the capacity of data transmission to the island, what we have today is more restrictions and limitations in connections availability and no information about what really happened.
And whatever happened to the fulfillment of Objective No. 7 ? : “To guarantee the application of a nimble and timely system able to offer greater information to militants, workers and the rest of the population about analyses and decisions of the Party´s organisms, related to the political, economic and social life of the country and its territories.”
Whoever is going to be analyzed due to the unfulfilled Objective No. 98?: “To consider that the Party, as it faces strategic tasks of certain significance at national or local level, offers related information and is open to participation of corresponding mass organizations.”
In the closing of the conference, on 29 January 2012, President Castro pointedly enough states: “If we have made the sovereign choice, with the people´s participation and support, of the Martian single party, it is our duty to promote greater democracy in our society, to start with the Party´s own ranks which presupposes to foment a climate of maximum confidence and the creation of those conditions required at all levels for a wide and frank exchange of opinions, whether inside the organization or in its links with the working class and the rest of the population, favoring the natural and respectful assumption of discrepancies, including the mass media, several times mentioned in the Objectives approved in this Conference, which should get involved with responsibility and veracity in this pledge, not in bourgeois style, full of sensationalism and lies, but with well proven objectivity and without useless secrecy.”
I think these words were very hastily forgotten by those who lead this country. I did not forget them but taken them to heart, believing them, for that matter.
I enjoy sharing with many people what I am feeling right now and I will summarize it in three points:
I am starting to distrust the top leaders of our country because they have failed to demand the fulfillment of those agreements.
If a timely, objective, systematic and transparent information about this matter is not provided, I will start thinking that our country´s leaders do not care about what the people may think.
It was a waste of time and efforts devoted, on the part of the Cuban people, to the elaboration of the economic outlines and the objectives of the PCC conference.