Wikileaks 2010: Spaniard to Valenzuela: No big changes in Spanish policy towards Cuba

ID: 249424

Date: 2010-02-18 16:11:00

Origin: 10MADRID187

Source: Embassy Madrid

Classification: CONFIDENTIAL

Dunno: 10MADRID87

Destination: VZCZCXRO6924


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Classified By: DCM Arnold A. Chacon, for reasons 1.4(b) and (d).


1. (C) SUMMARY: During an excellent and extremely cordial

meeting that lasted over two hours on February 1, WHA

Assistant Secretary Arturo Valenzuela and NSA-equivalent

Bernardino Leon, Secretary General of the Office of the

Presidency, discussed prospects for U.S.-Spanish cooperation

in Latin America and Spanish priorities in the region during

its rotating presidency of the Council of Europe. The two

discussed recent efforts in Haiti, ongoing European trade

ties with the region, threats to democracy in Venezuela and

Nicaragua, and human rights in Cuba. The first GOS

interlocutor to meet with Valenzuela during his February 1-3

visit to Madrid, Leon received Valenzuela warmly, saying

Valenzuela had “many friends” and admitting that he had

wanted to meet Valenzuela for a long time. END SUMMARY.

2. (C) Leon spoke of President Zapatero’s busy agenda

including trips to Davos and Ethiopia and his visit to

Washington, DC, for the February 4 National Prayer Breakfast.

Reviewing the themes of Spain’s EU Presidency, Leon said

Zapatero hoped the May 2010 EU-Latin America Summit would

“transform” the economic relationship between Europe and the

region and he spoke of efforts to negotiate a number of trade

agreements and to bring closure to the EU’s pact with Central

America. Regarding the Andean agreement, he said Ecuador

hoped for a more bilateral agreement and he described Bolivia

as a very difficult case, due to the coincidence of a lack of

experience in trade negotiations combined with a lack of

technical expertise in government. There had been no action

to support “expressions of will” from MERCOSUR. Regarding

Argentina in general, Leon told Valenzuela he shared his

exact frustrations — but agreed they would need five days to



3. (C) Regarding Spain’s reported lobbying to replace the

EU’s Common Position toward Cuba, Leon cautioned Valenzuela

not to believe everything he read in the press. Leon did not

foresee a huge change in EU policy toward the island. He was

careful to clarify statements by Secretary of State for

IberoAmerica Juan Pablo de Laiglesia (with whom Valenzuela

met later on February 1) as referencing a “internal

reflection” and brainstorming within the EU about a path to

democratic change. President Zapatero had never met either

of the Castros and would not visit Cuba without progress as

yet unseen (and certainly not within the next six months).

Leon frankly acknowledged the perceived daylight between the

Spanish presidency and MFA on Cuba policy, and indicated that

FM Moratinos appeared to be applying his pro-active Middle

East diplomatic experience to the Cuban scenario. Leon

admitted Spain’s current relationship with Cuba was

“difficult” in part because the GOS had had ties to former FM

Perez-Roque and also because the GOC interpreted Spain’s

Historic Memory Law (by which hundreds of thousands of

descendants of exiled Spanish citizens are expected to claim

Spanish nationality) as a stroke of the pen directed at Cuba.

4. (C) The two discussed how to bring about democratic

reform in Cuba, with Leon specifying he was the highest-level

Spanish official to have met with the most important

dissidents. Referring to Cuba’s economy and comparing the

present crisis to Eastern Europe prior to the fall of the

Berlin Wall, Leon speculated that offers of economic

engagement on agricultural and energy issues of great

interest of the Cuban regime might lead Cuba to accept

certain conditions.

5. (C) Valenzuela explained that while U.S. policy toward

Cuba was governed by law, President Obama’s intention was to

press forward in engaging the GOC on issues of mutual

interest and concern. He cited the coordinated response to

the January 12 earthquake in Haiti as an opportunity to

cooperate with Cuba. The USG has offered to provide medical

supplies to 400 Cuban doctors currently providing care in

Haiti. Even so, USG support for human rights in Cuba was

paramount in our approach and policy.


6. (C) Both agreed on the importance of following up the

Montreal meeting and the need to triangulate assistance.

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Leon raised the possibility of funneling half of all

reconstruction aid through the Inter-American Development

Bank (IADB), rather than via the World Bank. Valenzuela

stressed the need for long-term coordination of financial

contributions beyond the initial emergency and stabilization

phases. Leon argued the IADB had a greater stake in Haiti

and more regional experience and would be in a better

position to manage the donors’ trust fund in the event the

World Bank is called to respond to a respond to a future

disaster elsewhere in the world. Leon observed that offering

the IADB a leading role would not prevent the WB from making

a contribution, and held that WB President Bob Zoellick would

understand the need to include Latin America. Valenzuela

seconded the argument for regional control and urged that the

United Nations not leave Latin America out of the assistance

and peacekeeping equation. Involving the IADB would help

increase Latin buy-in. Leon said he was “completely in

agreement” with Valenzuela about holding future aid

coordination meetings in New York without putting all eggs in

the UN basket.


7. (C) Leon predicted normalization of Honduras’s relations

with the international community was on the horizon, and

agreed with Valenzuela that the situation was improving,

saying things were on the right track. He described the

challenge of getting Honduras closer to more stable states in

the region in order to shore up its fragile institutions.

Leon shared Valenzuela,s frustration and concern over

Brazil’s incomprehensible position. Valenzuela urged strong

Spanish and EU support for President Lobo’s new government,

noting that the election itself was not a sufficient

solution, but part of a collaborative process to ensure a

healthy Honduras. Lobo’s agenda, while not easy, included

worthy goals to combat poverty and Honduras’s other problems.


8. (C) Leon stressed the need to strengthen political

institutions in the lead up to elections, calling Nicaragua

an opportunity for U.S.-Spanish-Brazilian cooperation,

especially during the last months of President Lula’s term.

He noted former President Aleman was “frustrated” with

President Daniel Ortega and speculated about the political

prospects for Eduardo Montealegre as a result. Everyone

agreed Ortega was erratic and unpredictable and Leon noted

Ortega was the only president in the region (other than

Castro) with whom President Zapatero had refused to meet, had

not and would not receive.


9. (C) Leon observed the situation in Venezuela was getting

more and more complicated. He suggested the international

community should worry less about Chavez and focus more on

supporting the democratic opposition. He expressed hope for

the “real possibility” that a majority of Venezuelan public

opinion would turn against Chavez. He also shared his view

that Chavez would do something to further harm his own cause

if he perceived he would lose upcoming elections. Valenzuela

said chavismo was more a symptom than the cause of fragility

of institutions. He expressed frustration that the

opposition had not necessarily been constructive. Valenzuela

stressed the importance of discussing Venezuela with other

countries, urging a more pro-active approach on the part of

all countries that would be more constructive than

confronting Chavez or “playing his game.” Leon observed

recent elections had gone better but shared U.S. concerns

about Venezuela’s growing ties with Iran (admitting the EU

should have done more to intercede) and about restrictions on

Venezuelan broadcasters. Leon indicated that EU ambassadors

had plans to meet with Chavez to make it clear that the

closures were unacceptable and unconstitutional. He said it

was harder to talk to Chavez now than previously.


10. (C) Elsewhere in the Andean region, despite the

similarities in political situations and problems, the

reasons for each country’s difficulties were very different,

making it impossible to put all the countries “in one basket”

or to equate Chavez with Morales, for example. On Bolivia,

Valenzuela said Spain was in a position to promote

cooperation on counter-narcotics and in other areas where the

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United States had been shut out. Leon noted the

“unimaginable” political success of President Morales left no

alternative but to focus on the most important themes. He

acknowledged the GOS had seen Bolivia respond well in

specific areas, including intelligence sharing, hydrocarbons,

and protections for foreign oil and gas companies against

exploitation. Valenzuela underscored the need to

“multi-lateralize” cooperation and coordination on combating

narco-trafficking to include Brazil and Europe, which were

more directly affected by the Bolivian drug trade than the

United States, where demand had remained stable or declined.

11. (C) Leon assured Valenzuela that the United States would

have Spain,s support, especially during its EU presidency,

saying Spain knew who to talk to in Bolivia and noting that

Morales respected President Zapatero, with whom he had gone

jogging in Central Park in September 2009. Leon suggested

that Valenzuela touch base with Spain,s Ministry of

Interior, which had the most historical contact with Bolivian

interlocutors based on bilateral cooperation to fight the

Basque terrorist organization ETA. Leon held that Morales

was both more sophisticated than Chavez, had enough support

to keep governing, and would not allow himself to be

manipulated by anyone.

12. (U) Assistant Secretary Valenzuela cleared this message.