How Trump, the reactionaries and the racists think

It’s so great that President Trump has made America great again!

Everybody knows that except the fake news. Now they are saying that Russia paid terrorists to kill Americans in Afghanistan, and that U.S. intelligence told the President and he did nothing about it.

Makes no sense. Trump and Putin are great friends so why would Vladimir want to do that? It sounds like another Democratic hoax to make Trump look bad.

The fake news is blowing that coronavirus stuff out of all proportion. Inflating the numbers. They don’t want  to acknowledge the fact that we have more cases than other countries because we are testing way more people than anybody else, we are doing a fantastic job, so then the numbers make us look bad. So, I tell my people: Slow the testing down!

The truth is that, as Trump has said, and Fox News has confirmed, we have done a great job with the pandemic, an unbelievable job. Where would we be if Donald Trump had given in to the liberals and worn a mask?

We would be on a slippery slope to losing all our freedoms, starting with the freedom to bear arms. They say that wearing a mask cuts down on the risk of infection and saves lives. But, where’s the proof? Some conservatives believe masks kill and replace God’s wonderful natural breathing apparatus with something artificial that makes breathing harder. They have made their views loud and clear, all over the country. In Palm Beach County, Florida, for instance, which fake news is pointing to as an example of what happens when you open too fast, citizens were all over the County Council, which last week mandated the wearing of masks.

Regardless, liberty is more precious than life, especially the lives of people with one foot in the grave who don’t work and instead soak up Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid dollars. So, for a theory that says masks slow the virus, a theory about which there is no consensus like on global warming, you are asking me to give up the freedom to sit next to my fraternity brothers at our favorite bar to down a few cold ones without being forced to wear that ugly, annoying, uncomfortable mask? Thank God for President Trump, who by his example, is saying that no one can force us to do that.

Some old fogeys ask exactly when America stopped being great. I can point to many things that chipped away at America’s greatness until there was little left before Donald Trump came around and put a stop to that. The liberals hoped the election of Barack Obama in 2008 would be the last nail in the coffin of America as we knew it. The election of an African, technically American if you believe him but you can’t, an African by name and ancestry and ideology, the son of a man from Kenya, talk about a shithole country, a man who from his skin to his soul to his name is more African than American, was a travesty.

Obama’s election was the high-water mark in the perversion of the nature of America, settled and constituted by people from the British Isles and other white European nations. But there were many other milestones along the way. In 1954, the leftist Warren Supreme Court destroyed the public school system by mandating integration that the blacks were not ready for and the whites did not want. The Civil Rights law of 1964 and the voting rights laws of 1965 opened the door for blacks to govern cities like Detroit and Baltimore that became a nightmare of crime and drugs.

Another really big thing happened in 1965. Under the guise of immigration reform, a law was passed allowing tens of millions of people from every godforsaken country to come into the United States. After the first wave, the new immigrants petitioned for their relatives to be allowed in, and millions more came, followed by their relatives, forming a never-ending chain. Finally, to add insult to injury, came the illegals in the millions. And we’re supposed to feel for the children of these illegals who brought in their children, illegally?

The situation became so bad that real Americans in cities like Los Angeles and Miami felt they were no longer living in their own country. Spanish was everywhere, and you often needed to know the language to shop in a supermarket or order in a restaurant.

Donald Trump said enough is enough. None of that lame Mitt Romney stuff about self-deportation. Kick them out and build a wall to keep them out. And if you don’t want to be separated from your kids at the border, just don’t come.

Now the latest thing being done by all sorts of violent agitators—the black militants, the liberals, the so-called democratic socialists, and the antifa radicals, is to take the streets, burn down businesses, defame the police, and then whine about it when their rebellions are put down. It’s all under the label “black life matters.” It’s lucky that Donald Trump doesn’t buy into all that political correct drivel and instead is dealing with the mobs by imposing law and order, dominating the streets by deploying the police, the National Guard and even the military.

We are blessed to have Donald Trump in the White House at this moment of insurrection. He and Vice President Pence have never uttered the “black lives matter” mantra. Because Donald Trump knows that, based on who built this country and made it great, and whatever anybody says, blue lives and white lives matter more.