Pelosi and congressional leaders hold press conference in Havana (Video)

“We have agreed to continue our dialogue in areas of agreement and disagreement,” said U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, congressional Democratic leader, at a press conference on Thursday in Havana.

The U.S. congressional delegation, led by Pelosi, met with Cardinal Jaime Ortega, head of the Catholic Church on the island, and members of the National Assembly, on the last day of an official three-day visit.

The group of House Democrats, who arrived on the island on Tuesday, held a meeting on Thursday with the Vice President of the National Assembly of Cuba, Ana Maria Machado, and twenty members of the parliament.

The members of congress who accompanied Pelosi were Eliot Engel (NY), Jim McGovern (Massachusetts), Rosa DeLauro (Connecticut), Collin Peterson (Minnesota), Anna Eshoo (California), Nydia Velázquez (New York), Steve Israel (New York ) and David Cicilline (Rhode Island).