Sanders and Trump triumphant; Bernie tops Hillary with women and youth

Democrat Bernie Sanders and Republican Donald Trump kicked ass in New Hampshire.

Less than a year ago any self-respecting journalist, or political pundit for that matter, would have been laughed off any stage – no matter how small – had he or she predicted tonight’s (Tuesday Feb. 9) result in this second primary on the road to the White House.

If there are outsiders in American politics, persons not of the political establishment, these two are the best examples of that renegade label in the group still running for president in 2016. Sanders is a self-proclaimed democratic socialist. And Trump is a strange character and hard to pin down, but it’s his first time in the political game. A game he’s showing he’s pretty good at.

I won’t give you the numbers, just visit any website (The New York Times, The Washington Post, New Hampshire Union Leader, heck, even The Miami Herald, just to name a few) and they will give you the final tallies.

What’s important to note is that there is something very strange going on in American presidential politics this year. And I’m not sure how long this will last, or if it will fizzle out as many will predict in the days to come. But Sanders and Trump? I can’t help to love what I’m watching and following.

But there’s more that I’m glad to report. Marco Rubio fell flat on his face in New Hampshire. The same Rubio who sounded like a winner after finishing third in Iowa, met the fat governor from New Jersey who roughed him up in a Saturday night debate and exposed him for what he is: a political fraud. Jeb Bush did better than expected and still only garnered a fourth place; this after having already spent $100 million…

The road gets much rougher now. And more real, too. Nevada and South Carolina, the next primary tests will expose Sanders, for example, to what his detractors are saying is his weakness: minorities. We will soon find out if Blacks and Latinos are listening and buying into Bernie’s ‘political revolution.’ Hillary’s hoping and betting they won’t. Or she might find herself in trouble…

Mrs. Clinton is not looking good these days. She even managed to lose women voters in New Hampshire. This in spite of the fact that her husband, the former president, and the first woman secretary of state, Madeline Albright, came close to accusing Bernie of being a misogynist… Hell, they even brought out the old feminist herself, Gloria Steinem, to tell women how they HAD to vote.

It backfired! Anyway, and I do respect Steinem, most women today under a certain age don’t even know who she is.

Bernie, again, destroyed his opponent with the young voters – a repeat of what happened in Iowa.

It’s still way too early to even dream. Heck! If I was a betting man I’d still put my money on Hillary.

But the thing I’m loving is that Bernie Sanders is showing us that it can be done – he’s taking on the establishment, and a lot of what’s wrong with America.

Like Bernie said, his campaign needs our help. Send $1, $10 or $50 to and see if ‘We the People’ can win this thing.