Menendez, prostitutes and not one mention of his cubano status

Cuban American Sen. Bob Menendez

If we are to believe media reports about a West Palm Beach doctor and his ties to New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez, it seems the chubby son of Cubans, who leads the Senate Foreign Relations Committee recently vacated by soon to be Secretary of State John Kerry, has an affinity for prostitutes.

The reports I’ve read also state Menendez’s courtesans are underage and from the Dominican Republic, where his buddy and big-time campaign contributor Dr. Salomon Melgen is from. Apparently Menendez has travelled in Melgen’s private jet to the Caribbean destination, and to borrow a line from a Vegas ad, “What happens at Casa de Campo (a Dominican resort) stays at Casa de Campo.”

One more thing, Menendez’s buddy, Melgen, owes the I.R.S. more than $11 million in back taxes. Nice if you can get away with it, I suppose. But I doubt it. Let us not forget it was the same I.R.S. who finally nabbed Al Capone – when nobody else in the U.S. government could.

Oh Bobby, Bobby, what kind of friends do you keep?

But before I finish, I found one thing interesting in The Miami Herald report of today (Jan. 30). Not once in the story or the headline, did the word Cuban come up.

I guess if the news is bad, the Cuban part is left out. If the news had been positive for the senator, I assure you even the headline would have read differently.

Alvaro F. Fernandez